Brombeerfest bei den Waldmäusen -


Brombeerfest bei den Waldmäusen

Blackberry festival with the wood Mice

SIZE: 20 cm x 20 cm - 5,5" x 5,5"

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 Blackberry festival with the wood mice

Harvest Festival in the Blackberry Hag!
Now everyone draws from the full.
Fips and Tini, also friend Snaag
may feast as they please.

So there's gymnastics, hand-hanging,
jumped up, abseiled,
little tail wrestling with little tail,
when rushing to the prey.

Because everyone wants to catch
yummy berry balls,
who falls to the ground in droves,
and home carried on the fly.

But the best hang high
sweetly spoiled by the sun.
Quickly pushed up the ladders.
Cheerful laughter sounds.

Max, the little one, is scurrying about
to the top with skill.
Grabs two in one go.
The same trick every year.

Friedolin and mouse Sophie
start to sing the blackberry song.
Mice never sing happier,
than smeared with blue juice.

All frolic,
others cook or feast,
praise neighbor's juice recipes,
lift some blackberry jugs.

The moon has long since appeared
and softly illuminates the festival.
Blessed with blackberries are the expressions,
when all tired it leaves.


I've tried to translate the poem into English, which I have written 2008 for my blog KinderGedichteWelt: 
Brombeerfest bei den Waldmäusen  I've you have any ideas for a better translation don't hesitate to contact me. 


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